Jake Virtanen finally replies to sexual misconduct charges.

T. Tadi
June 10, 2021  (10:24)

If you missed it earlier this offseason, Vancouver Canucks forward Jake Virtanen was accused of sexual misconduct by an unidentified woman following an interaction in 2017. Virtanen was then placed on indefinite leave by the Canucks.

According to Glacier Media in Vancouver, the lawsuit claims that Virtanen's conduct were "reckless, arrogant, high-handed, abusive, and show a callous contempt for the plaintiff's interests."

Virtanen and the woman allegedly agreed to meet for a date, but Virtanen allegedly took her to a Vancouver hotel where he was staying instead.

When they entered the room, «Virtanen rushed up behind the plaintiff and began kissing her neck and putting his hands all over her body,» according to the civil suit. The complainant is said to have shrugged off Virtanen.»

Virtanen "grew increasingly insistent in his efforts to have sex with the plaintiff," according to the civil suit.

According to the woman's court documents, she told Virtanen "no."

«Given Virtanen's height, body weight and superior strength, the plaintiff was powerless and was unable to force Virtanen off of her,» the documents allege. «Virtanen proceeded to push open the plaintiff's legs and to have sexual intercourse with the plaintiff without the plaintiff's consent.»

«I couldn't believe that I said no and he didn't take that for an answer,» she says. «I felt violated and gross and wanted to leave.»

None of these allegations have been proven in court and only now has Virtanen offered any kind of insight into his take on the allegations. In court documents obtained by the aforementioned Glacier Media, Virtanen states that he and the alleged victim engaged in «consensual sexual intercourse.»

Credit: HockeyFeed