Insider Elliotte Friedman Drops Major Bombshell on the Imminent End for the Arizona Coyotes

Dave C.
February 7, 2024  (3:56 PM)

Arizona Coyotes logo and Hockey Insider Elliotte Friedman
Photo credit: Howlin Hockey

The Arizona Coyotes have been the talk of the NHL when it comes to their off ice shenanigans. On ice they have been dead quiet, sitting at the middle of the pack. Their status in Arizona has been an unanswered question for sometime now, with their 5000 seat capacitated arena and their inability to find a permanent home. The future of the Coyotes got a little more clear today.

Future in Arizona likely coming to an end

In terms of relocation, there's always talk about it, but there are numerous steps to come across to finalize it, and the very first step can happen very soon as per Elliotte Friedman.
Looks like it's finally over for the #Yotes in Arizona. Salt Lake City, get ready.

«I think that we are coming to the end of the line with this ownership group, I believe there isn't something hard and fast in place in the very near future. They will begin the process of selling the team or the NHL taking over the team and selling it to someone else, I believe we will get there. I believe one of the reasons you hear the commissioner say nothing negative about them is he knows this could end up in a big legal fight and he doesn't want to say or do anything that will end being used against him», Elliotte Friedman.

According to that report, a decision is loading regarding the Coyotes future in Arizona, either they will move city, or there will be a change in ownership.

Nothing is imminent and official, but things continue to move in that direction and everyday the odds of the Coyotes staying in Arizona keeps getting slimmer.

More details to come.

As read on: coyotes set to relocate per nhl insider