Mark Spector under fire after controversial comments about Canucks

Graham Montgomery
May 21, 2024  (10:36 PM)

Edmonton Oilers reporter Mark Spector has always been a controversial figure and today showed why as he made some inappropriate comments about the Vancouver Canucks.

Spector was asked a question about the Vancouver Canucks after the Oilers defeated them in seven games to advance to the Western Conference final. The question was essentially where he thinks the Canucks fall in terms of contenders going forward. His answer was rather shocking.

Perfect coach for that team.
Miller excellent leader. Hughes will grow. Good D.
Many skill guys either small or perimeter guys. Got pushed out - EL40 esp.
Depth can't all be Euro skill guys. Some? Sure - not all.
Need more Saskatchewan, less Stockholm.

While he does credit the Canucks on some fronts, including Quinn Hughes and head coach Rick Tocchet, he then goes on a weird tangent about the team having too many Europeans on it. Many fans were quick to call him out for this blatant racism.

How ignorant is Spec?

One of the Oilers best and toughest players is from Sweden.

The Oilers players as a whole should freeze this prick out and ignore any questions from him during media scrums. Worthless, cowardly asshole.

Mark Spector can fuck right off. Xenophobic shitbag.

He is particularly under fire for the comment 'more Saskatchewan, less Stockholm.' This is the kind of thing one might have expected to hear in the 80s, not 2024. This just goes to show how far the culture of hockey has come, but also that some influential people in the sport are still stuck in the past, in a time that was less inclusive and ill-suited for today's values.

«Need more Saskatchewan, less Stockholm.»

So more Berkly Catton, less Gabriel Eliasson. Got it.

Mark Spector loves small skill guys. You heard it here first, folks.

Spector has repeatedly made a fool of himself with comments like these and inappropriate questions at NHL media events. Perhaps it is time to stop giving people like him the attention he so obviously craves.

Source: MarkerZone
Oilers reporter Mark Spector facing backlash for disgusting comments

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Mark Spector under fire after controversial comments about Canucks

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