Oilers Fan confronts Gary Bettman about hating Canadian teams in new viral video

Tyler Ball
June 24, 2024  (10:13)

Today a new video clip has surfaced online involving NHL commissioner Gary Bettman and an Edmonton Oilers fan with the fan asking the commissioner why he hates Canadian teams.

NHL commissioner Gary Bettman has always been a controversial figure in the hockey world. Many fans feel he does not promote the game enough or in the right ways. Today one particular fan went to Gary Bettman and accused him of having a bias against Canadian teams.

The Edmonton Oilers fan seemed to be at a hotel bar of some kind where he spotted Gary Bettman. He then approached the commissioner asking why he hates Canadian teams. The commissioner soon saw he was on camera and ignored the gentleman while security took him away from the area and shut down the video.

#LetsGoOilers fan asks Gary Bettman why he dislikes Canadian teams

While fans can judge many of the choices Gary Bettman has made as commissioner he has not shown a blatant bias against Canadian teams. Of course, a Canadian team has not won a Stanley Cup since 1993 however that is hardly Gary Bettman's fault.

Regardless this postseason Edmonton Oilers fans continue to want to be in the spotlight. First, it was the Oilers fan who flashed the crowd in the Western Conference Finals. Now a crazed fan accusing the commissioner of bias while his team has made a miraculous comeback.

On the edge of history.


With Game 7 on the schedule for tonight, Gary Bettman will be handing out the Stanley Cup one way or another. If the Edmonton Oilers win all talks of bias will disappear. If not the talks might only intensify.

Source: Oilers Daily Oilers fan confronts Gary Bettman on why he hates Canadian teams


Do you think Gary Bettman has a bias against Canadian NHL teams like the Edmonton Oilers?

Yes74180.7 %
No17719.3 %
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