Former NHL Player Clashes with Sportsnet's Leading Female Analyst in Heated Exchange

Dawson Mckenzie
January 4, 2024  (11:29)

Jamal Mayers during the Sportsnet Panel.
Photo credit: Sportsnet

During intermission last night, Jennifer Botterill and Jamal Mayers got into a heated debate on the Hartman-Perfetti incident, disagreeing on whether this should be part of the game or not.

Everyone who knows hockey knows that there is a 'code' that governs the game and is policed by the players themselves. Some are more of a fan of the code than others, but nevertheless, it is part of how the NHL operates. Most often this is seen when a player steps up to fight an opponent who just did a dirty play.
Sometimes, this 'code' is taken too far, as some are arguing Ryan Hartman did the other night. Hartman intentionally high-sticked Cole Perfetti, as he admitted on a hot mic, saying it was in retaliation to another incident.
Here is the high stick in question.
Cole Perfetti back on the ice for the Jets after taking a high stick to the face by Ryan Hartman off the faceoff during his first shift.

Clearly, there is some disagreement around the hockey world on the drama that was the high-sticking incident. On the Sportsnet panel, Jamal Mayers explained how he believed that this was part of the game, that there is a message being sent and it all falls within the 'code' that the players play within.
«To me, Ryan Hartman is sending a message that you're not going to go after our star player. And whether you like it or not, it becomes a question of how I'm going to defend myself, and it's not about fighting you,» Mayers said.

Botterill, on the other hand, thought that this wasn't a good message to be sending to young superstars coming up in the League. That at any point in time, you could be on the receiving end of a high stick to the face.
«Both of the terms you guys use, revenge and sending a message, I don't know; you watch the play, and you see Cole Perfetti, a young, great player in your league. Do you think that's what you want to present or succumb to your young, talented players too?» she said. «I don't know. I don't think that's what's selling your game to your biggest stars.

There is an argument to be had on both sides of the fence, here. While there is a 'code' that runs the NHL, clearly the high stick in question crosses some sort of line, and that is too much for today's NHL.
As seen on Hockey Feed - Sportnet's top female analyst gets put in her place by former NHLer
4 JANVIER   |   2746 ANSWERS
Former NHL Player Clashes with Sportsnet's Leading Female Analyst in Heated Exchange

Do you think that the high stick Ryan Hartman gave Cole Perfetti crossed a line?

Yes187268.2 %
No87431.8 %
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