"We take his comments seriously and we'd like in short order to be in a conversation with him so we can hear his concerns directly and we're going to follow up to see what merit there may be to his concerns," Bettman said. "You don't have to tweet to get our attention. We have an 800 number people can call. You can call us directly, we're an open book. But if he has concerns we want to hear them and see how they need to be addressed."
Bettman acknowledged Eichel's situation also.
"We're pretty up to speed in terms of what's going on," Bettman said. "And there's a legitimate disagreement among doctors as to what the course of treatment would be best, both in the short-term and long-term and that's something everybody's wrestling with.
"It's a terrible situation. I don't think it's fair to point the finger at anybody in terms of who's right and wrong. I think everybody's approaching this with the best intentions and that the injury is complex both in its diagnosis and its treatment and I think people need to be a little more patient."